Q. How can I get your latest product catalog?
- In order to get our latest product catalog, please email us with your contact information at info@axiconparts.com
Q. Why should I register on your site?
- Registering enables you to not only place your orders on our site, but also view our current product inventory with real time pricing information and status of your orders.
Q. How can I find out if you carry a specific part?
- Please use the search bar on the top to search for a part number, or alternatively, please email us at info@axiconparts.com. You may also submit your request online by completing our 'Request for Quote' form.
Q. What kind of warranty does AXICON offer?
- To review our returns / refund policy and warranty information - please click here.
Q. Does AXICON ship overseas?
Yes, please reach out to us at info@axiconparts.com for further information.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@axiconparts.com. Thank you.